Tuesday - 14-06-11 - Echo News

We were so happy to see that people were enjoying our show, and even more so when the Local paper rocked up and wanted some of our students in the paper. This is the only one I managed to photograph myself but I will post the paper up when it comes out (watch out next week)

Jayme-Keen (Hollywood Glamour shopfront, based on the obsession of glamour and fame)

Tuesday - 14-06-11 - Homegrown Private View

Tuesday - 14-06-11 - Homegrown Private View

The show went really well, and I don't think I could of been any more proud of all the team coming together and displaying such creative work. here is a few pictures from the night as we became flooded with parents, tutors, management and industry people. "welcome to the garden of GAD"

Friday - 10-06-11 - Gnome world

Ok, so the theme for the end of year shows this year is Homegrown. The idea behind this concept is local college with local students Home to home, we took that and transformed it into "Garden of General Art and Design".

Well maybe not so much nowadays but most grandparents gardens always consisted of one small detail "The Gnome" so with the clever crafting skills of Nicky we proposed for every member of the team to have a Gnome to represent themselves or their project theme. Here is mine!
OK, so the joke being is a personal one, basically I was having a discussion with my parents about the show and how it was all going well although extremely stressful, I then told them that "if the exhibition went wrong I would be back down the job centre on Monday"
Lets hope not

Monday - 08-06-11 Show pictures

What a busy, busy final major projects are underway and only a few days till we start to sort out the end of year show, being the graphics pathway leader it is of course my job to sort out all the small little details that makes our show the best, whilst course leader Lee takes cares of all the large scale problems and design craft leader Nicky become gnome master! (more of that later). . we all went to the photography studio to have a photo shoot ready for the show FUN FUN FUN