Like most people I do enjoy a good book, and although I struggle to find the time; when I do it is nice to find something that I can use for personal satisfaction and motivation as well as pass relevant information onto my students. The two books below are not brand new on the shelf but are at this moment in time great reads. Both discuss the theoretical sides of design and relate it to personal insights and perspectives.
"Seventy nine short essays on design" is written by a designer I have come to love more and more. Michael Bierut is an iconic graphic designer with groundbreaking results in typography and logo design, his work is forever being published and this little read opens up your eyes to just how many other aspects of the world truly evolve around design.
"How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul" is a book written on a personal level by Adrian Shaughnessy. I have seen this book many times in shops and online; but it was only through borrowing it for a while out of my work library that I found myself glued to the pages and simply had to purchase my own copy. It speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about design, the theory, practicalities for designing and how designers should be.