Friday - 21-10-11 - Working Hard pays off

OK, so this Friday was staff development day, it gives staff time to hold managerial meetings and course meetings and really push and discuss ideas in moving forward. It has been a real intense 1st term and I for one have noticed a difference in raising my game and standards in the time I spend at work (too much time). I'm not afraid to say that it has affected me both mentally and physically and half term gives me an opportunity to work at a more realistic pace and recharge my AA's. This Friday was also the staff AAA Awards ceremony where a series of colleagues and staff members were nominated into categories for Aspiration, Access and Achievement. I was completely unaware of this and made jokes all day about how "I should sit in the front row!". I shouldn't of.

Because . . . "I was nominated for excellence under the category of colleague and WON"

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