Sorry for the delay in posts but it has been a manic few months with various projects and other work going on. Despite the chaos there has been some amazing work produced and documented and all that will be up online in a short time.
Structures was a site specific project where by students had to produce a visual response based on the chosen location. They had complete control over where they went, the type of location and what the wished to produce as a final outcome. The site had to inform them of ideas and the response had to visually communicate structures whether physical or metaphorical. The range of outcomes that were provided was amazing ranging from light shows to body casts. The images below are a selection form the year 2 "Design" pathway.
"Sweet Space" reinstalling comfort and safety in childlike spaces thorough the insertion of sweets |
"Fuse" a visual response to the word "Echo" |
"Mirro-tecture" Fabricating an environment through a reflective structure |
"Street Fashion" part of a series a garments that reflected the chosen surroundings |
"Forest light" light drawing re-installing a woods that had recently been cut down |
"Talking telephone" Telephone box installation giving them a personality and subject to discuss |
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