26-03-13 - Hayward Gallery and Tate Modern

My last visit to the Tate Modern was Damien Hirst's retrospective where I was blown away by the experience, however as a person who spent their entire GCSE foundation and exams based upon the work of pop art idol Roy Lichtenstein; I was super excited about visiting, and could not wait to see his work up close and personal. The Hayward Gallery has not been a place I have visited often, but I had come across reading up about the Light show back in January and discussed with my colleague Lee that it was somewhere I felt the students would benefit from. I can say that I was and probably still am in shock over how incredible the exhibition is put together, and it is unlike anything I have seen before (this is someone who visited Dan Flavins work at the design museum years ago as well).

The light show situated at Londons Hayward gallery features 22 artists, all, who in their own way capitalise on the different sensual approaches we can interact with light. I don't think I have ever been to an exhibition before where I have had to wear foot covers, take my shoes off and constantly blink with shock over what me eyes have witnessed. I would deeply recommend this exhibition for everyone who wants a day out and wishes to see something truly different. 

Lichtenstein at the Tate modern for me was a dream come true, the artist who is known for his bold dots and comic book art had been an inspiration in my younger days, and although I do feel to some extent that youngsters and school teachers heavily deliver pop art (too much) as a subject, this exhibition does make you understand why. I never knew, without given too much away just how many pieces of work Roy had produced, nor to say either the various types of work (small minded I was to think he just painted dots). I think this is one of those exhibitions that features an artist that everyone would recognise, understand and appreciate, an absolute must see for anyone who enjoys pop art.

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