Friday - 17-02-12 - Summary of Paris

This could be quite honestly the longest post in the world and so I will just give an overall summary of my trip to Paris. Quite honestly an amazing place, would very much look forward to returning next year and hope to branch out and continue to see more iconic places that are a homage to the area of Art and Design. pompidou Centre was my element and made my trip, however seeing the Eiffel Tower, Montmatre, Musee' Dorsay, Notre Damne and the Louvre museum.

 I cannot recommend enough this city as a small break for the sheer inspiration you get form just walking around. Below are some photos I took unsing my favourite Iphone app 360'. This app allows the user to take panoramic photos and automatically stitches the photos to near on perfection, giving you some stunning results that are hard to achieve by multiples.

Wednesday - 15-02-12 - Joself Albers in America

Today was my last day of my trip in college and I was so excited beyond belief to finally visit one of my favourite buildings ever since I started studying deisgn and architecture. The pomideou centre in Paris is an open case structure designed by iconic architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers

As much as I could continue to disucss the essence and structure of this building the galleries and artwork situated inside just completes the overall experience and made my trip. One of the most eye catching exhibitions within the centre was Joself Albers Paintings on paper. This exhibition shows Joself Albers experimental work with colour, looking at tonal references, juxtposing and his and infamous findings  on the homage to the square. Each wall consisted on one main colour and as you walked around the space the colour reference changed taking you through the workings of his ideas and findings. An absolute amazing exhibition and I would recommend anyone who has a slight interest in art and design to follow up on his work and use him as a key reference.

Tuesday - 14-02-12 - Valentines Day in Paris

As many of you may known Paris has been branded as "The city of love" As a much as I was constantly reminded about my absence this valentines day, who would complain about seeing this day through whilst standing both under neath and at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Unless you have been there yourself, let me tell you that no one can prepare you for the spectacular thrills and sights that you get from visiting this monumental structure. This has very much been the highlight of my trip so far.

Me and my Graphic Design students

Preparing to tackle the 1000 odd steps up the tower

The tower was completely changed in the dark

Me celebrating valentines day virtually with my girlfriend

Monday - 13-02-12 - Creative find in Paris

This week I am in Paris on a college study trip visiting some of the best and most iconic museums, galleries and tourist hotspots in the world. I will be documenting everything that I go and see and will be posting up a large summary of my trip later on. Today however whilst visiting Montmarte' I came across a great piece of street art produced by one of the greats known as "Invader". This find was by pure luck and I was blown away by seeing one in the flesh.

Sunday - 12-02-12 - Google Doodle

Over the past 5 weeks as part of the 1st years Computer in arts project, the team have been developing their "Google Doodles" into digital context. these designs will be supporting them throughout the second half of the project where they are going to start on the creation of a series of packaging exercises and really bring together this hypothetical brand. Everyone had the same starting reference from Jesse hora, and it is great to see how people have put their own spin on the designs.

Friday - 10-02-12 - Within Borders Exhibition

Fine artist/ Graphic Designer and work colleague Jen Hale will be exhibiting her work at London's Spitafields market this coming week. Her work arrived from her recent MA Studies and has been recently showcased in house at South Essex College's own gallery space. I really recommend going to see this as it is truly exciting and a real fresh approach to Graphic communication and fine art.

Thursday - 09-02-12 - 30x30 Design Series

Well 10 days in and the designs are coming along well, had some great feedback from students and peers. Keep your eyes peeled for all the final prints to be released. I am off to Paris on Monday so should give me some encouraging inspiration to get me through. Thought you might enjoy this lil self promo video.

Sunday - 05-02-12 - 30X30 Design Series

30x30 will be a unique one off collection of self made promotional designs. The challenge is that for 30 days, new design will be produced every day. This collection is available in digital print format and is a way of promoting my Blog.